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J4NG Budget and Finance Committee Meeting

  Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Time:  2:00 PM Place:  via TEAMS Please direct any questions or comments to Jean Irvine at or 725-235-3670 Agenda: Nominating & Bylaws Committee Meeting 4-26-21

J4NG Human Resource Committee Meeting

Date: Friday, April 30, 2021 Time:  10:00 AM Place:  via TEAMS Please direct any questions or comments to Jean Irvine at or 725-235-3670 Agenda:  Human Resource Committee Meeting Agenda

J4NG Virtual Career Development Conference

J4NG's annual Career Development Conference is virtual this year, allowing all J4NG youth to participate!  This event brings youth together to compete, network and learn. The event will be held virtually on Monday, May 3rd from 8am - 1pm. Would your organization like to sponsor this event?  Sponsorship Information Would you like to participate as a judge or attend the event?  Contact Us

J4NG Board of Directors Meeting

Date:  Friiday, May 14, 2021 Time:  2:00 PM Place:  via TEAMS Please direct any questions or comments to Jean Irvine at or 725-235-3670 Agenda:  Board of Directors Meting Agenda.Final 

Special Board of Directors Meeting

Date:  Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Time:  3:30PM via TEAMS Please direct any questions or comments to Jean Irvine at or 725-235-3670 Agenda:  Special Board of Directors Meeting

DC&O Committee Meeting

Date:  Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. What:  Development, Communication & Outreach Committee Meeting Attachment:  

HR Committee Meeting

Date:  Tuesday, August 3, 2021 Time:  2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location:  Microsoft TEAMS (virtual) Attachment:  Agenda HR Committee August 3, 2021

Budget Finance Committee Meeting

Date:  Thursday, August 5, 2021 Time:  2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location:  Microsoft TEAMS (virtual) Attachment:  Agenda Budget & Finance August 5, 2021

Board of Directors Meeting

Date:  Thursday, August 19, 2021 Time:  2:00 PM Place:  via TEAMS Please direct any questions or comments to Jean Irvine at or 725-235-3670 Agenda:

Help J4NG Chaparral youth collect socks and gloves for homeless youth

J4NG Chaparral is holding a Sock & Glove drive to benefit homeless youth as part of United Way’s Day of Caring.  Partnering with Nevada Health Centers, we want to make life easier for those struggling with homelessness.  Can you help us?  See below for 2 ways to participate: 1) Donate socks and gloves!  The drive is being held between now and Thursday, October 7th!   Below are drop off locations if you would like to contribute items: Participating Nevada Health Centers Drop Off locations: Henderson Family Health Center (98 E. Lake Mead Pkwy #103) Martin Luther King Family Health (1799 Mount [...]

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