Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates (J4NG) Awarded with Highest National Performance Recognition


Jobs for Nevada's Graduates (J4NG) Awarded with Highest National Performance Recognition Gov. Steve Sisolak Honored J4NG for Achieving Jobs for America’s Graduates 5 Of 5 Award  Despite the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic causing school closures and record-high unemployment rates in Nevada, Jobs for Nevada's Graduates (J4NG, formerly JAG Nevada) remained diligent to ensure students remained on the pathway to graduation and career entry. J4NG achieved the highest outcomes in the very depths of the pandemic, while serving youth and their families who were among the earliest and hardest-hit by its impacts. Hence, the national organization, Jobs for America’s Graduates [...]

Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates (J4NG) Awarded with Highest National Performance Recognition2021-06-16T22:11:39+00:00
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