How To Get Involved
Your involvement inspires young adult minds.
By sharing your experiences, you help JAG Nevada youth see themselves in your place,
and to imagine what they might be able to do with hard work and commitment.
What your $1 Investment Provides
Teaching & Mentoring
Leadership Development
Career Exploration
Immediate Needs
Help Nevada youth graduate and reach their potential!
J4NG is powered by the investments of businesses, foundations and individuals, and 80 percent of every dollar goes directly to student services and support. JAG Nevada was designed to serve as a vehicle for public/private partnerships, and also braids in state funding.
Your gift of financial support will be used to provide educational, leadership and employability support to the youth of our state–see below for a student story! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your gift may be tax-deductible. See your tax professional to confirm.
“When I was in high school, I didn’t care about school, got behind in grades and credits and found myself failing. Then, I joined JAG Nevada, and my grades increased! My drive for success was on. After graduating, I completed the diesel program at GBC. Today, I work for a contractor to Nevada Gold Mines. By starting a $1,000 scholarship for JAG Nevada students at West Wendover, my dream of helping others in my community came true!”
Be part of the Success!
Your tax-deductible donation can change lives.
With your support, JAG Nevada inspires students to be excited about their futures, and provides them the skills and guidance they need to thrive in school and succeed in today’s job market. We believe all students have the potential to succeed and reach their goals. Your support can help them get there.
Meeting Short Term Needs & Realizing Long-Term Dreams
“Together, Wells Fargo and Jobs For Nevada’s Graduates are working to develop the next generation of leaders in our community and in business, that’s an important mission to keep Nevada vibrant, innovative and a leading economy in the nation for many years to come.”
“JAG Nevada was a class I never knew I needed until I did, and I’m fortunate that I put these tools in my toolbox early.”
“I cannot think of a better organization that collaborates with the State and the Governor to personally endorse. They are accomplishing everything we as residents of Nevada would want in a non-profit. In my mind, at the end of the day, they are allowing students to “dream” and chase those dreams.”

JAG Nevada is a Family
Watch How Students Become a Part of JAG Nevada
Every fall, JAG Nevada programs across Nevada (and the U.S.) hold I&I events. Officers are installed, pledges are taken, proud parents take lots of pics!
Get a glimpse of JAG Nevada’s vibrant students and staff. Learn how you can make a difference by donating or getting involved.
JAG Nevada was Built for Public/Private Partnerships
JAG Nevada blends funding from our corporate sponsors and funding from the state of Nevada. JAG Nevada also has extensive employer partnerships to facilitate career pathway entry.
RAY’SHAUN, Class of 2015
I joined JAG Nevada as a junior at Eldorado High School. I wanted to enter law enforcement, and I wanted a career in landscaping. Seeing my need for guidance, my counselor encouraged me to take the JAG Nevada class. JAG Nevada gave me practical workplace skills and allowed me to meet other JAG kids from across the country. Today, I am proud to say I am the first JAG Nevada alum to come back as a Specialist! Every day I apply the tools JAG Nevada gave me.
Are you interested in supporting JAG Nevada in its mission to help elevate achievement outcomes for Nevada Students?
JAG Nevada works because people are committed to helping youth. If you want to join us or know a student who needs our help, contact us.