JAG Nevada March 2025 Newsletter


  Volunteers & Partners Provide Opportunities JAG Nevada students learn from the pros as volunteers step up!   Schools across the state were brimming with partner and volunteer contributions as students had the opportunity to engage with professionals from many fields including construction, trades, banking, healthcare and more!     Volunteers and partners from many business sectors came through for students in a big way, providing experience and wisdom.   Over the span of 2 days, more than 20 community leaders, heads of organizations, educators, business leaders, elected officials and senior program leaders in their chosen fields interviewed nearly 50 JAG Nevada [...]

JAG Nevada March 2025 Newsletter2025-03-27T17:16:59+00:00

JAG Nevada Building The Future


Click Here to read the September 2023 Newsletter  Celebrating 10 years - 20,000 Work-Ready Graduates Jobs for Nevada's Graduates is celebrating 10 years! Since our inception in 2014, we've inspired more than 20,000 work-ready graduates prepared for career and job entry. We are looking forward to the next decade of service with strategic planning to match the changing needs of Nevada. Thank you to our past and present partners, Specialists, staff, board members, and students! Congratulations! Exciting celebrations are coming soon. Stay tuned!   Do you want to help us with this important work or have an idea for us?  Click below [...]

JAG Nevada Building The Future2024-05-02T19:11:39+00:00
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